Kamis, 29 Mei 2008


Ada tawaran (kayak artis dapet job aja!)

Aku ditawari (kayak roti tawar aja)

Huh! Okeh. Pak Guru di English Course aku bilang, aku baiknya ikut youth exchange aja. Nah lho?

Bukannya ikut begituan itu sekolahnya harus ditunda satu tahun dulu selama ikut program di negara tujuannya? Itu yang bikin bingung.
Hehhh...aku udah setahun nunda sekolah gara-gara masuk ke pesantren gitu, terus masa sekarang mesti berhenti satu tahun lagi?

Ada usul???

Aku bener-bener binngung...

Terus ada lagi...

Banyak orang disekitarku nyuruh aku ikut acara kontes lagi di kotaku yang semacam Abang None gitu...tapi, ya ampun...masa aku mau ikut lagi, sih??? Menurutku, kontes begitaun itu bukan aku banget...aku mending ikut kejuaraan panco internasional atau lomba makan ketupat sayur aja timbang disuruh ikut begituan...

Haha! Becanda, deh!

Ada usul? Any suggenstion?? I'll be waiting...

Danke, Herzliche Grüβe!

Want to but I can’t help it
I love the way you feel
just kinda stuck between my fantasy and what is real
I needed when I want it
I want it when I don’t
tell myself I stop every day
knowing that I won’t

I got a problem and I don’t know what to do about it
even If I did I don’t know If I would quit but I doubt it I'm
taking by the thought of it
And I know this much is true

baby you have become my addiction
I'm so strung out on you
I can barely move
but I like it
and it’s all because of you
all because of you
and it’s all because of you
all because of you
and it’s all because of you
all because of you
and it’s all because of you
never get enough
she’s the sweetest drugs
think of it every second
I can get nothing done
only concern is the next time I'm gon get me some
know I should stay away from
cause its no good for me
I try and try but my obsession wont let me leave

I got a problem and I don’t know what to do about it
even If I did I don’t know If I would quit but I doubt it I'm
taking by the thought of it
And I know this much is true

baby you have become my addiction
I am so strung out on you
I can barely move
but I like it
and it’s all because of you
all because of you
and it’s all because of you
all because of you
and it’s all because of you
all because of you
and it’s all because of you
never get enough
she is so sweet as drugs

ain’t no doubt
so strung out
ain’t no doubt
so strung out
over you
over you

because of you
and it’s all because of you
never get enough
she is so sweet as drugs

(Because of You - Ne-Yo)

Oh, God!
I knew it!
I can't take it back!
Fall too deep...


123, he drives me crazy!!

Herzliche Grüβe

Senin, 19 Mei 2008

Best Friends Ever

Setelah aku bengong, cari inspirasi buat nge-post, aku jadi pengen cerita tentang sms-smsku ke sahabat-sahabatku kemarin.

Sms-ku ini sebenernya aku plagiat dari Ucha :

3 hal yg G ingn km lpain dariku


3 hal yg ingn km lpain dariku


2 hal yang u sk dariku


Nm yg km pnggl dariku


Kta t’baek bwt gmbranku


Km jdiin ak sbg


wjb diisi y…thx

*LuvlyR* (yang ini orisinil punya aku)

Aku kirim sms di atas ke Tieta, Ucha, Hanni, Mita, sama Lia…balesannya beda-beda…

Dari Tieta…

gg inginQ lpain:

1. Paz ktawa gOkil brg
2. Paz qm cium pntatQ
(ini beneran, lho! Aku emang pernah cium pantat dia. Konyol, sih kalau diinget-inget sekarang. Hihi…)
3. Paz qt SMP!

Ingin Q lpain,
1. Paz qt mrahan
2. Paz qm gg prnh brhnti brhrap k-1 cOw!
(maksud Tieta pasti Nimo!)
3. Paz teu qt gg 1 SMA

yg Q ska,

1. Maz asyik n gOkil

Nma sbutan,

> Maz

Kta t’baex’na,


Qjdiin sbg,


Dari Sapi, Lia maksudku…

3 hal yg G ingn km lpain dariku

1keras kepala, ttp pd pndirianmu!!
2setia kawan
3suka jodohin Q ma Rey


3 hal yg ingn km lpain dariku

3g suka ank cengeng huhu..Q kan cengeng

2 hal yang u sk dariku

1enak d ajak curhat
2slalu ksh solusi yang tpat bwtQ

Nm yg km pnggl dariku

>MiSZ kAThe azZalwa…

Kta t’baek bwt gmbranku


Km jdiin ak sbg

>best friend forever

Dari Mbing alias Hanni yang nggak jelas banget…pake nget, nget…

3hl yg G’ingnQ lpan dariU


3hl yg ingnQ lpa drU


2hl ygQ sk drU


Nm ygQ pnggl drU


Kta t’baex bwt gmbrnU


Q jdiinU sbg

>tkang pjetQ

Dari Ucha …

3 hal yg G ingn Qlpain dariMu


3 hal yg ingn km lpain dariku


2 hal yg Qsk dariMu

1. keGILAanmu

Nm pngglan dariQ


Kta t’baex bwt gmbranMu

>Crazy, but still best plen 4epha

Qjdiin km sbg

>Shabat SjatiQ


Terakhir, dari Keong as Mita…

3 hal yg g ingnQ lpain drU


3 hal yg ingnQ lpain drU

1.Keras kplaU

2 Hal ygQ ska drU

2.Bs diprcaya

Nama ygQ pnggl bwyU

> Maz, Mizs

Kta t’baex bwt gmbranU

> cwe b’jilbab yg supel,gokil n pntar

Q jdiin u sbgai

> my best frien&smga bs jd BFF

Soal gokil dan keras kepalanya, itu udah predictable, tapi kalau egois dan termehek-meheknya aku, itu baru unpredictable

Yah…semua balesan dari best friends-ku di atas bakal aku jadiin sbg bahan introspeksi diri, to be a better girl

Betapa sukanya aku pada kehidupan saat ini, karena dikelilingi sahabat-sahabat yang berharga seperti mereka……I am nothing without them…

Thank God for everything

Herzliche Grüβe

Rabu, 07 Mei 2008

Sebar Brosur!!

Hari ini adalah Hari Sebar Brosur. Alias hari dimana kami, manusia-manusia terpilih dari National Immersion Senior High School akan keluar ke jalanan dan termehek-mehek kepada orang di jalanan buat nerima brosur sekolah kami (nggak, deh!)

Eniwei, ada yang sangat membuat sedih...


Dia belum bisa ikut ekspedisi kami kali ini...kaki kanannya masih belum bisa diajak kompromi...hhh...hope he will get well soon...miss him so...

Eniwei, semalem aku smz-an sama Sist Reez, terus dia bikin aku pengen dengan ceritanya tentang Nimo...jadi pengen...

mupeng banget aku smz-an sama Sist Reez...

dipikir-pikir...aku kangen sama Nimo lagi...

Herzliche Grüβe

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2008

Science Project Time

I'm in the next competition again...

My JHS's friend said :

"You look like a competition lover!"

Yah,well...I knew that. It seems like I'm an ambitional person...but sometimes we have to be, right?!

And it seems more difficult than ever. I have to join two competition in a time! Wow! I have to work under the pressure of my principal's andhave to give the spirit for my ownself about the target...!


Wanna change your life with mine??

Oh, no! Plus one more! I must finish my novel project next month too!

God, give me that sincerity...I know You are always blessing and watching my way...

Herzliche Grüβe!

Worry, Worry, Worry...

He got an accident!!

You guys know who I'm talking about!!

Surprised!! So surprised!

Last evening, I met my principal, and he told me about that accident!!

How could that hapenned??

But, finally I got the gress news that he is alright with himself. Pfiuh...!! Thank God!

When the first time I heard about the accident, my heart was starting to jump-jump-jump!

But it soonly made me puzzling...should I call him and ask about his condition or not?? Should I show the careness or should I ignore at all???

Ok, puzzled by love...

Herzliche Grüβe!